Old School Building Upchurch Kent 1986
Saint Mary The Virgin Upchurch 1986
Saint Werburgh Hoo Kent.
St Margaret of Antioch Lower Halstow Kent
Similar ship to that travelled in by Tress family
A view of Upchurch Farm Appin NSW
The wider family of descendants of William Tress and Mary Barnes of Kent England are many. We are confining this website generally to those associated with Upchurch and Lower Halstow, Kent, England.
Your comments and contributions to our knowledge of the families is welcome. Continue reading “About”
Individual charts are presented on this page for the descendants of Thomas Tress d.1690. Please click on the image to open a large image of the chart. Continue reading “Charts 1”
We welcome your input if you can add to our knowledge of the Tress’ of Upchurch and Lower Halstow, Kent, England.
For updated information please refer to our Tress-Reid-Maitland Family Tree on Ancestry http://trees.ancestry.com.au/tree/53560482/
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